February 17, 2012

{Date Night Fridays} I'm still dating my husband

...and loving every minute of it.  Just because you get married doesn't mean you should stop going on dates.  When the hubby and I were dating our date night was usually on Friday night and it was involved doing something different that we hadn't done before.  Fast forward to almost 11 years later and we are still committed to going on dates.  On this segment called Date Night Fridays I'm going to give you suggestions on where to go on dates in Southern California.  I'm aware I'll probably hate myself later if you all start showing up to my favorite spots but I'm willing to take that risk.  Southern California is full of museums, botanical gardens, comedy clubs, and other places that could be quite romantical.  Please keep in mind that many places the hubby and I go to are very affordable which is a bonus for us. We actually try to outdo ourselves with planning the "cheapest" date.

One of our favorite FREE museums to visit is the California Science Center.

When I was little my parents used to take me there and I later found out that my hubby's parents used to do the same thing.  (I wonder if we were ever there at the same time.)  The museum is pretty big and there are a lot of things to do.  They have a small aquarium where you can touch some of the star fish at.  Sometimes they have very cool exhibits but they are usually cost extra. We love going in there and playing with all the things and sometime catching a film in their huge IMAX theater.  Parking is usually about $10 bucks but if you're feeling a tad adventurous or if you're trying to go green you might want to take the Metro.  This place is totally kid friendly but it can also be enjoyed with just your significant other.  We've taken our little goddaughter with us on several occasions and she has a blast.  

If you want to romance your special loved one pack a picnic basket and enjoy it in the adjacent Rose Garden. (Keep in mind that it's closed from January 1st to March 15th.) 

Where is your favorite place to go on a date?

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