July 27, 2012

{Date Night Friday} Olympic Fever

Most of our date night consist of going somewhere new and exciting outside the apartment but not tonight.  Something that you might have not known about me is that I love watching the Olympics and I'm really looking forward to the opening ceremony this evening.  The hubby and I are planning to watch enough Olympic coverage as humanly possible.  I plan on popping some popcorn or perhaps ordering some yummy pizza and we plan on sitting in front of the couch this evening.  When we went to London last year I was excited to see that there was starting to be signs of the upcoming Olympics.  I have a lot of respect for all the men and woman who are representing the United States because they are doing something I could have never done.

My favorite sport to watch is the Woman's gymnastic team I can't believe how young they all are and the amount of dedication they have for the sport.  Here's to team USA!!!

Here's some Red, White, and Blue inspiration from my Pinterest board. 

What's your favorite Olympic sport?

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