October 31, 2012

Life: 2nd Trimester {Weeks 13 through 27}

Week 13

I am so glad I finally hit the 2 trimester because I have been very cautious to tell people about the pregnancy until now.  I can count in one hand how many people know about it.  However, I had to finally say something at work since I keep feeling sick while I’m working.  My family is still vacationing in Mexico and my in-laws left this week to a wedding in Atlanta.  I was supposed to attend the wedding but due to the crazy all day sickness I’ve been feeling I just couldn’t see myself flying anywhere. The hubby and I went on a date this week to see Smokey Robinson at the Hollywood Bowl.  Shortly after seating down I realized I’m still feeling too nauseous to enjoy the concert so we left early.  I’m was very excited and surprised this week when I found out that my cousin proposed to his girlfriend. Nothing has really changed about my pregnancy except that people say I’m supposed to start feeling better so hopefully the worst of the nausea is almost over. 

Week 14 

We finally told my in-laws this week that they are going to be grandparents again.  My mother-in-law is extremely excited and she’s hoping the baby is a girl.  Since we told my in-laws we decided to announce it to the rest of our friends. I sent out announcement instead of calling up everyone we know.  We also told my mom she can tell people in Mexico about the pregnancy and she was thrilled to finally share the news with my family.  My belly is getting bigger and my pants don’t quite fit so I decided to do something about it.  I first went to Target to see if I could get a band to wear over my pants but they didn't have my size at the store. Then I decided to go to the actual Bella Band website and I found out they were having a sale and I ordered two bands from them.  So far I’m loving the bands because my belly isn’t big enough to start buying maternity clothes but it is getting harder to fasten the buttons on my pants.  I’m still feeling nauseous but hopefully soon it will go away. 

Week 15 

This week has been pretty uneventful I’m still nauseous and I don’t see the end in sight.  I’m still nauseous but I haven’t been vomiting like crazy like I was.  We went on another date this week to see Pixar in Concert at the Hollywood Bowl and for once I actually enjoyed myself.  I’m still hoping there will be a day where I don’t have nausea at all. 

Week 16

We had another doctor’s appointment this week and everything went well with our little buttercup.  We got to hear the heartbeat and I told the doctor I’m still feeling nauseous but she said that’s its normal for some women.  I guess I’m part of the small percentage of woman whose morning sickness doesn’t go away completely but I’m still hoping it will.  On another note I found out my cousin’s girlfriend is having a baby too and she’s due about two weeks after me.  This week we went to game night at my BFF’s house and his family gave our little buttercup his/her first gift. 

Week 17

I’m feeling a tad better this week so the hubby took me on a business trip with him to Orlando, Florida.  I get to have a blast in the parks while he has to go to work and in the afternoon he’ll join me or at least that’s what I thought.  I was expecting it to be hot but I didn’t realize how bad the weather was really going to be.  I seriously had an OMG moment when I realized how hot and humid it was.  It didn’t take me long to realize how much more horrible the heat can feel when you’re pregnant.  I’ll share more of my trip on an upcoming post.  We had the brilliant idea to schedule another date night at the Hollywood Bowl the Friday we got back from our trip.  I really regret going to the Hollywood Bowl that night because I was feeling horrible and nauseous.  We ended up leaving before the performance was over since we were both pretty tired from the flight. 

Week 18

We had an appointment today that was supposed to be the happiest ones but it ended up being quite frustrating.  I was told by my doctor to drink a lot of water an hour before the ultrasound appointment and I wasn’t allowed to use the bathroom until afterwards.  If you know anything about pregnancy is that when you’re pregnant you always have to go to the bathroom.  The problem was that the nurse forgot about me for about an hour and when I reminder her I was there she told me I never signed in.  I was so frustrated because I really needed to use the bathroom and when the technician finally took me back to do the ultrasound he was irritated at me.  He blamed me for coming in late when I’m always early to my appointments and he rushed through the whole process. He kept making comments like now I’m going to be backed up for the rest of the day.  Anyways, when he finally started the ultrasound he didn’t say a word to me and kept making a frumpy faces.  Once he was able to see the gender I asked him if my hubby could come in to see too, he agreed but wasn’t happy about it.  Once the hubby got in the room I felt a lot better and we couldn’t believe what he told us we’re having. {I’ll share the gender in a later post.} Before we left he printed out a couple of photos for us and we were on our way.  

Week 19 

We went to 2 different BBQ’s this weekend where we revealed to our friends and family what we are having.  For the most part everyone is very excited about it.  I’m craving meat so I had a blast at the BBQ’s. I'm still experiencing nausea on and off throughout the week.

Week 20

The hubby and I celebrated our 3 wedding anniversary this week by staying in since I’m not feeling well.  We hosted a BBQ at our apartment and we told my in-laws what we are having.  Since I’m still craving meat I had a blast eating everything in sight and swimming with our family.  We took our first class at Kaiser and we really enjoyed it. 

Week 21 

This week is my mom’s birthday but I couldn’t go visit her since I’m still experiencing nausea.  This week we also took another class that wasn’t that fun but we did learn a lot.  I had another OBGY appointment were the doctor discussed with us the results of the ultrasound.   According to my doctor our little buttercup is doing great.  We had dinner with our friends this week and we even made an impromptu trip to Disneyland afterwards. 

Week 22 

We took our maternity hospital tour this week and we had another date at the Hollywood Bowl.  I was finally able to enjoy a day at the bowl because my nausea has been getting better. I’m not taking the prescription medication anymore and I’m feeling a lot better without it. 

Week 23 

My cousin graduated this week but I couldn’t go because I’m getting a lot bigger.  I’m feeling better each week but I’m still vomiting a couple a times a week.  I’m been wearing maternity clothes for a few weeks now. 

Week 24

It was my dad’s birthday this week but once again I couldn’t drive to see them because I’m getting bigger. The hubby, my little cousin, and I went to the O.C. Auto Show this week and we had a great time.  I am slowly getting better but I still have some off days.  The hubby ran his first 5K without me and I’m glad I didn’t do it because I would have been exhausted. 

Week 25 

I baked a ton for my friend’s daughter’s 1st birthday party this week.  I realized this week that I’m running out of steam sooner and I can’t do as much as I have been.  My cousin that recently graduated brought his pregnant girlfriend so we could meet her. I grew up with my cousins so I’m glad my little buttercup will have a lot of cousins to play with.  I went to celebrate my cousin’s wife’s birthday this week and for the first time I really enjoyed my dinner without feeling nauseous afterwards. 

Week 26 

We had another class this week, which was really fun.  We are really learning a lot about the birthing process and I’m feeling less anxious about it.  The hubby and I went on a date to Disneyland where I was able to eat things that I have been craving without feeling sick.  I took a lot of pictures with the Halloween Disney characters and I had a ton of fun.  I had a doctor’s appointment this week and I found out that I don’t have gestational diabetes but I am anemic. My little buttercup’s heart rate was beating at 145 bpm. 

Week 27

We had another class this week and I love how much we are both learning from them.  My nieces’ birthday party was this week and baked a lot of sweets for them.  I’m sad that I can’t continue to bake at the intensity I have been but I’m looking forward to having a little helper in the kitchen.  I took a sewing class this week and made something for my little buttercup. 

I’m glad that I’ve been feeling a lot better than last trimester.  I’m still feeling nauseous and vomiting twice a week but I’ll take that over doing it every day.

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