June 20, 2013

Life: My little Buttercup's birth story (Part 1)

Now that I think about it I can't wrap my brain around the idea that I had a baby.  I look at how fast she's growing and yet I still can't believe it. The things that she does nowadays amaze me but before I get too sentimental let me tell you about her birth story.

The Saturday before my little Buttercup was born the Hubby and I decided to go pick up my mom from the San Joaquin Valley.  My relative thought that I was a tad silly going to pick up my mom a couple of weeks before I was actually do but nonetheless I wanted her nearby.

The Monday before my little Buttercup was born I had a scheduled appointment with my OBGYN.  My mom went to the appointment with me and we were both able to hear my little Buttercup's heart beat. I was so excited to hear the little washing machine noise coming from inside me one last time before her actual birth.  At that appointment the doctor informed me that I was dilated one centimeter and that the baby might come sooner than we anticipated.  That day the Hubby came home early from work because he had a cold and was going to be telecommuting the rest of the day.  When the Hubby finally took a break from working I told him that the doctor said my little Buttercup could be born at any minute.  The three of us were excited about the possibility of having the baby that night.

The Tuesday before my little Buttercup was born I began to get mild contractions. (I actually thought they were Braxton  Hicks contractions.) I didn't think they were that bad and I continued going through my normal daily routine.  The Hubby was still under the weather so he continued telecommuting and after he was finished working we decided that it would be a good idea to have our car seat looked at by a professional.  We took our car seat to the local police department and we were impressed with the knowledge they equipped us with.  Not only did they tell us all about the safety requirements of our specific model but they showed us different methods of installing it in both of our cars.  When the Hubby was practicing installing the car seat I kept getting contractions and I thought to myself what a better place to go into labor, police escort anyone?  The officer joked and asked me politely not to go into labor.

...to be continued...
{read part 2 here}

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